Ms. Nancie Prolyne
3 min readApr 16, 2022

A good orgasm is my best solution for cramps.

Period Power — My current read.

Period Power: Harness Your Hormones and Get Your Cycle Working For You, the power of our periods!

Hill Maisie struggled with period pain for years, but can now say with a straight face things like: “I’m just such a big fan of the menstrual cycle!”

Who is Hill Maisie:

Maisie Hill is a highly qualified and sought-after menstrual health expert with over 15 years of experience as a practitioner, coach, and birth doula. Maisie knows the power of working with the menstrual cycle and believes that our hormones are there to serve us and help us get what we want out of life.

Why the hell nobody told you this sooner? This revolutionary book reveals everything you need to know about taking control of your menstrual cycle and outlines. The Cycle Strategy to help us perform at our best, throughout our cycle.

Period Power (2019) is your ultimate guide to periods, hormones, and reproductive health. Menstrual health practitioner Maisie Hill explains how your menstrual cycle influences your mood, sleep, and energy and shows how you can harness the power of your hormones to get the most out of each stage of your cycle.

So Why Read This Book You Ask.

Who the hell wants to spend time reading about periods and thinking about blood not forgetting the cramping part, I mean it’s complex and disgusting for some. The bookshelf had so many interesting books, from authors all around the world, mostly women and for a second I was confused about what to walk home with.

I am a book fanatic as much as shoes and clothes, my wardrobe is full of pieces of stuff that I haven't worn in years.

After an hour of reading through the back pages, I remember asking Wendy one of the soma nami founders to help me choose my next read and she was kind enough to explain why I should take Period Power with me.

If you want to fully understand and be in charge of your periods then this is it, she said

A must have bible for period
  1. Growing up I never learned deeply about my menstrual cycle. No one cared about my menstrual journey. I had to figure out everything on my own. Thank God for google, podcasts, and blog posts from women around the world, nevertheless felt the need to understand things about menstruation as a whole.

I am still struggling with the complexities of some topics on periods. It’s all personal to me.

2. In 2020 my friends and I started The Us4Her Foundation which helps girls with free menstrual packages products each month and mentors them on different topics. We also have a 14teen Mom program mentorship for teenage moms.

My idea is to read and understand as much about periods, this will put me in a position to shade more light on the knowledge with the girls during our mentorship sessions.

3. It feels great knowing that I have the power over my body, that I understand my emotions, and in a position where can plan my schedule both home and at work considerably.

4. Plus I get to learn about my reproductive system, everything sex, self-care and so more. Now you know.

If you want to harness the power of your period, first you need to understand what the heck is going on with your body every month.

“Women should get to know their periods better, so they know themselves better,” Emma Barnett

Yours Truly The Period Preacher



Ms. Nancie Prolyne

I am the #PeriodPreacher || Let’s talk menstruation | Poetry | Travel, Documentaries & Storytelling | Life Inspirations | Books.